Bow to those feet on the soil with a familiar sound,
as these little feet tread every moment on untrodden ground,
to the little seedling they were a protective cover,
watchful eyes caring nourishing the flow of the river.
As time passes by and those feet play in the muddy puddle,
at times stern at times loving open arms give a warm cuddle,
give them hope to fly high with their little wings,
raising their voice like the music nature has set to sing.
At times disturbed at times enjoying the constant noise n chatter,
wished them evergreen feilds where the colorful flowers gather,
bounty of their blessings spread around along the way,
so that they stay undetracted by the upheavals of the night n day.
Protective hands protect from the tempest and the gale,
pray that their little ships safe in the storms sail,
strengthening every moment like the shadows in the night,
so that they shine bright like the stars in the sky bright.
Hands folded eyes closed silently the lips utter a prayer,
take care of those hands that shaped us and took care,
above is almighty below is a teacher there by desert n springs,
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