
Sunday, February 11, 2018

Enjoy this romantic and love sms and messages for wife of 2018

  • Love isn"ta decision, it"sa feeling. If wecuddecide who 2love,thn, life would be much simpler,btthnless magical.
  • I have a heart & that is true,btnow it has g1 from me 2 u, Socrfor it, just like I do, Because I have no heart &uhavetwo.
  • Give laugh 2 allbtsmile 2 1, Give cheeks 2 allbtlips 2 1, Give love 2 allbtheart 2 1, Let everybody loveubtulove only 1.
  • I get the best feeling in the world Whenusay "HI" or even smile at me because I know, even if it's just for a second, I've crossedurmind.
  • Love means 2 see some1 with closed eyes 2 find some1 in every thought, 2 live for some1 in every moment, Be sure that some1 is only 1 (me)!
  • I chose 2loveuin silence, for in silence I find no rejection. I chose 2 love u inurl1liness, for inurl1liness no 1 ownsu,btme!
  • ucan live without the Person who says "u rMine"btucan NEVER live without some1 who says "I Amurs!" Mayube blessed with 1 such person in Life..!
  • A perfect gift foru! Absolutely no cost, no batteries required,Non-taxable, silent performance, Extremely personal, fully returnable It’s a SMILE from me 2 u.
  • Smilemakeflowers alive,sing make birds alive,openurseyes make sun alive,hum make statue alive,keepurslips on my heart,2 make me alive..
  • Love is Like a Golden chain that links our hearts 2gether and ifuever break that chainu’ll break my heart forever!

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