
Sunday, February 11, 2018

(In English) Beyond Failures CREATIVE WRITING POETRY of 2017

Beyond Failures 

Sometimes I write a lot, sometimes I don’t, at all,
What life brings us to, is a surprise, don’t you think?
A prompt, an experience, a moment of joy or love,
We all have something which makes us write…
Today, let me speak of my failures though not in detail,
I have failed a lot, in love, in work, at reality or dreams,
Yet it reminds me every time of who I want to be,
Is it really a failure or a realization too hard?
We all have something which makes us want to scream…
Change, every time we do, for it evolves us for real,
Horrid consequences, serendipity or just a little numbness,
If you pack it all in a box to open later,
We all have something which makes us mentally fitter…
To conclude and come to the point, I just need a few more words,
Never stop yourself from expressing to anyone,
Find a friend, a family member or sometimes even people you don’t like,
We all have something which makes us a better forgiver…
Written as a part of #ChatterPrompts.

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