
Friday, May 4, 2018

Confused love Story in English 2018-19 Special By LuvShyari

I am a 14 year girl.studying 9th grade .when i was studying 8th grade .I just met a guy on fb through my friends account.He was my senior(9th).It was her fake account i used to check it.I  found this guy.i started to chat with him through her account till 2 months.after that i sended him request from my account .we used to talk a lot.i used to enjoy every moment I was with him.He blocked his old account and I felt very bad .I used too miss him a lot .then i realised that i was in love with him.he made his new account but couldn’t send me a request my account carries privacy settings.My friends got to know about my love and they asked me or probably proposed him.I created a fake account and proposed him.He couldn’t even guess it was me.I just said to his friend who is also my friend(common friend).that i was only that girl who proposed him everyone of his friends and he too was shocked because i was not that type of girl.I was decent and friendly to friends,teachers and well wishers and danger to enemies.He just went away unfriended me from fb. He stopped talking with me.My heart broked into pieces.I loved him a lot.After some months i found he used to have a gf who is also 10th after a few days i got to know that they broke up.he is one of the poplour guys in i am studying 9th he is studying 10th.I thought to atleast be his  friend if not lover .I said sorry through the same common friend.He accepted it and we became friends again but my teacher got to know about my love and she scolded me.He blocked me from fb. nearly a month passed and I thought to focus my career and leave him.My class mate loves him now but I don’t know why I am feeling jealous.they are many rumours on him that he is loving his ex-girlfriend’s best friend but I don’t think so.His classmate is my friend but she is like my big sister she said he is not good.He is a player..etc.I dont know what to do??? (or) how to react????? .I  think i am still in love with him!!! and the worst thing is that i don’t have a mom to share dad is always busy (divorced)and i am suffering from depression trying to overcome it..shall i follow my teacher words and concentrate on my finally you got to know the reason why I labelled my love story as confused love.Many questions but no answers..waiting for god’s miracle!!!

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