
Friday, May 4, 2018

Text Messages for a Speedy Recovery 2018

What do you text someone who's been in an accident or at the hospital sick? Well why not wish a love one to get better soon via SMS and hope for their speedy recovery.

I have you in my heart
I wish you good health
and a speedy recovery


Accepting help is healing
Do not feel shy about it
U R not an inconvenience 2 us
U R family, 1 of Us
and we love U very much!


My heart and prayers
go out to U
I'll pray with all my heart
you get better soon.
I hope for the best.


I heard ur in therapy
I heard it will be months
B4 I see you again
that is such a long road ahead
But like any road there is an end 2 it
And the end is healing and recovery
God Bless U my Friend


I heard you were sick
I will definitely be sending
healing thoughts your way.
Take care of yourself better!


You are in my thoughts
There is a long road ahead
It won't be easy but I hope
my support will make a difference
Cheer up! I'm rootin' 4 yah!


I am so sad by the news
I didn't know about the accident until now
I pray you will be okay
I will visit soon!


Cheer up! Get some rest
Things will get better
You just have to ride this through
Don't worry you'll always have us
by ur side. Lotsa hugs!

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