
Friday, May 4, 2018

True Love or Not? New Love Story 2018-19

She was fearfully clutching her keys, petrified and furious; Shawna decided she was going to leave. Makeup smeared down her bony face, her scrawny husband, Kevin, has been beating her. He wanted Shawna to leave on her own, not make her leave. They had a fifteen-year-old daughter, Alyssa; she knew that the reason her parents were fighting was all because of her. Neither her parents nor she wanted to admit it but it was the truth. Shawna didn’t want to leave her high school sweetheart but it was getting too terrible to deal with; it just wasn’t meant to be. Kevin thought he started to love someone else. Kevin won’t admit that he doesn’t know what love truly is. Is Kevin in love or is he going crazy?He wanted to try to fix his marriage with his wife because of Alyssa; trying not to completely ruin his little girl’s life. So therefore, he was determined to tell Shawna to leave Alyssa with him and tell her to get out and find somewhere else to live. Shawna didn’t like his evil-looking face when he finally manned up to go tell her about leaving Alyssa here with him; therefore, she got mad and walked out of the room without him speaking one word. Kevin was puzzled at the fact she was mad before he could say anything. He wanted to tell her but didn’t know how. She was way too mad to talk to at the moment, so he waited for her attitude to ease down a little bit. Shawna was a very sour and introspective person. She always thought of her being “trashy”, scrawny, untidy tangled hair, and sagging cheeks. She wanted to be alone all the time; she didn’t like to make conversation with a lot of people. Shawna was an argumentative person though, she would argue over just about everything. Kevin would always get so mad at her for it too, he always swore he would go crazy one day because of his discourteous, impolite, and shrewd wife.Alyssa never wanted her parents to fight or get a divorce, but she knew that it would be better for the both of them. She never understood why either of them stayed together all these years, fighting and skirmishing. She didn’t know if it was “true love” or “old love” keeping her parents together. What she didn’t know was they were staying together to keep her happy, when all they were doing was making her life horrible. Alyssa, unlike any ordinary child, wanted her parents to leave each other. After growing up with her parents always being abusive to each other and her, she was tired of it and wanted them to be done with each other forever.Kevin and Shawna talked about getting a divorce but never actually did it. Shawna couldn’t leave her best friend and neither could Kevin, but he was trying to get away from their past and get on with his life. Although Shawna wouldn’t let go of her past with him, she was tired and stressed over all the hostility and aggression throughout her life. She just couldn’t move on from Kevin and Alyssa. Kevin was tired of all Shawna’s emotions and confusing mood swings. So he was determined to get rid of them both for good.Kevin told Shawna to take Alyssa and leave. Shawna told Kevin to leave “her” house, and Alyssa. Kevin was finally being driven into insanity; he was bound determined to get them out of his life.One Thursday morning Kevin got up early and left Shawna a note:“Shawna,I am going to my brother’s house for the weekend and I will be back Saturday afternoon, if you aren’t gone by then I’m calling the cops.Sincerely, Kevin”When Shawna read the note she was relieved that he was gone, but didn’t want to leave her house to a single old man that would live there all alone. She wasn’t going to leave her home.When Kevin showed up to the house on Saturday morning and Shawna and Alyssa were both home and asleep. He crept to Alyssa’s room and when the gunshot went off and blood was shed, he left his little girl lying there lifeless on her bed. Then with a tear in his eye he ran to his room where his wife lay frightened and awake, he drew the barrel up to her temple, and as he went to pull the trigger she screeched her last words “I love you!”

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